Quotable Quotes

Posted by: Nhin

…some quotable quotes that really caught my attention…

Why be a copy when you can be an original?

A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without.

So much they talked, so very little said.

It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.

A tear can only be dried once it’s been cried.

To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.

Continually flying solo can take you so low.

There’s no “I” in “teamwork.”

If I have been able to see farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.

A little peace and quiet helps you keep pace rather than quit.

Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.

When you’re on the run, make some time for fun.

You can’t kill time without hurting yourself.

The only valuable book is an open book.