Goodnight's Magic

Posted by: Nhin

Bounded room in darkness
For rest sees me at mess
Then pillow brings me to fly
Only because you greet me goodnight.

Bright lights slowly shine
Turns sun like diamond lime
That no one even says it’s mine
Only because you greet me goodnight.

Shimmering stars I hear can speak
Just aligned collinearly in a blink
Staring constantly, oh extremely nice
Only because you greet me goodnight.

My ears receive ascending beep
Suddenly made me think so deep
Oh, no! I got a dream so wild
Only because you greet me goodnight.

High School Is So Yesterday

Posted by: Nhin

Time is too fast. I realized that there are so many things that happened in a second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year. And now, high school life is over. After 4 years of sacrifices and hard works, we actually graduated. Everyone had breathed deeply when the graduation day arrived.

As I enter the school - now my Alma Matter - I actually felt the happiness of my batch mates when they arrived one by one with their parents or guardians for some. And guess what, everyone look so gorgeous and decent wearing the graduation outfit with toga. The bugoys and nene was totally converted into a real guys and ladies. Different hairstyles, make-ups, and high hill shoes had turned us into charming teenage chic gals. At di nagpatalo ang mga guys. The porma trend of their white long-sleeve with neck tie makes girls stare at them.

The ceremony started with the mass first to thank God in giving us this opportunity to march and recognize our hardship spent all these years. Preceding to the main program- the graduation rites. Yes! Finally, everyone had received the diplomas we've hardly strive.

But this occasion has its end. Little by little, visitors and we - the graduates - also had moved our separate ways to celebrate exclusively by our own. And while I’m chatting with my friends, many things had come into my mind. I've noticed that everyone is busy recording videos and taking pictures in every second. And it is because this videos and pictures are the visible things that remind us every single moment in our high school life. By reviewing to these files, my mind totally says that 'High School is so yesterday'.. )';