My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (Korean Drama)

Posted by: Nhin

Description: Cha Tae Woong meets a girl (Shin Min Ah) and falls in love with her. The girl is actually a gumiho, a legendary fox with nine tails that eats the livers of humans. When he finds out that she is a gumiho, he ends up doing crazy things to prevent the girl from eating his liver.

Synopsis: Cha Dae-woong (Lee Seung Gi) accidentally releases a gumiho, a legendary fox with nine tails who was trapped inside of a painting by Grandma Samshin, by drawing 9 tails to the fox painting. The gumiho wanted to be human before but was not able to fulfill the request of finding a husband because a rumor was spread claiming that she eats livers of humans. Dae-woong meets a pretty girl after he wakes up from a life threatening fall not knowing that she is the fox he released. When Dae-woong finds out about what he did, he must try to keep her happy and hide the fact that she is a gumiho from everyone. However, because Dae Woong has gumiho's Orb that saved his life, he has no choice but to let her stay with him.
As the story goes on, the legendary gumiho (later called Miho) wants to be human. Miho (Shin Min Ah) is informed by a veterinarian named Park Dong Joo (who is half human) that she must drink his blood to become a human in 100 days while Dae-woong will have to keep her magical fox orb meanwhile. Moreover, Dae Woong will not be able to date anyone else but gumiho within the 100 days. However, Dong Joo doesn't tell Miho that in 100 days, in order to become human, Dae Woong must die. Trouble brews when Miho and Dae Woong eventually fall in love.

The trailer

Nothing Was New, I Thought

Posted by: Nhin

I don't actually take nature as my subject on my photographs. I rather prefer myself as one. What a vain. *laughs*

Kidding aside, the mere reason is that, I've been seeing pure nature in my 7 years in the province. Seashore was just 10 cars away from school. Coconut trees and different kinds of plants are anywhere else. I turn left, right, about face, it’s all there. We even have a backyard full of crops, vegetables, and flowering plants. I'm used to it. Nothing was new. No reason to be amazed.

Until one day, I came back to the main city of the land, Manila. I was just a fresh graduate from High School way back then. It was me, seeking for new surroundings. I went to college, and stayed in the city for good. Yeah, for good.

I remembered a conversation with a classmate:
"You're from Samar, right?" Joseph confirmed.
"Yes. Why?" I responded on him. Clueless.
"So you have hundreds of beaches' photos?" he exaggerates.
"No. I have none." I said.
"What? You must've even one. You were just beside Pacific Ocean." he explained.
"That's the point. It was common. Nothing was new." I answered.

Two years had passed, without glimpse in the province. I'm already exposed to a busy street, traffic highways, too many beggars and snatcher around, the 'hepa foods' (my friends actually call street foods as that). What more? Oh! The air pollution is all around.

April 6, 2011

                Finally! I'm home. After a year has been twice, I came home, backed home. Look what I got.

GOD is so genius having such a creation like this.

18 Interesting Things, Isn't It?

Posted by: Nhin

1.        Coca cola was originally green.

2.        The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

3.        The name of all continents ends with the same letter they start with.

4.        TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.

5.        Y0u can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.

6.        It is impossible to lick your elbow.

7.        It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

8.        Each king in the deck of playing cards represents great king from history:
·   Spades – king David
·   Clubs – Alexander the Great
·   Hearts – Charlemagne
·   Diam0nds – Julius Caesar

9.        What do bullet vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common? ans. All invented by women

10.     A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

11.     A snail can sleep for three years.

12.     All polar bears are left handed.

13.     Butterflies taste with their feet.

14.     Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump.

15.     STEWARDESSES is the longest word typed with only the left hand.

16.     Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

17.     Most lipstick contains fish scales.

18.     And finally 99% 0f people who read this will try to lick their elbow.